Banking Details - Benoni Northern Cricket Club

Banking Details

Banking Details

Please use these banking details for all payment to the club.

Send all proof of payment to

Bank Details

Account Name Benoni Northern Sports Club
Account Type Current Account
Bank Nedbank
Branch Benoni (190342)
Account Number 1903359465
Subs Payment Reference [Player Code]_[Type]_[Surname]
[Player Code] is the player's unique code.
[Type] is either 'Subs' or 'Kit'.
[Surname] is the player's surname.
Subs reference examples:
  • SC1234_Kit_Surname (payment code for playing kit)
  • SC1234_Subs_Surname (payment code for subscription fees)
Bank branch code: 
If your bank does not find the branch code, insert two zeros "00" in front of the branch code or at the end of the branch code.
Proof of payment:
Send all proof of payment to

Payment reference codes

All other payments should use the following prefixes to ensure correct allocation.

Prefix Payment type Details
CWL Winter league cricket Include player code and surname
CA Cricket Academy Include player code and surname
CFH Cricket Field Hire Use invoice number
BNCC General payments All other general payments